Saturday, July 5, 2008

am i a star?

This is a match between Malaysian badminton superstar and vietnam superstar.

Lucky if you didnt watch the video.
Too bad if you is just a stupid game between 2 amateurs.

Actually it was taken during my sports class in Uni. Lecturer asked us to watch our own match and analyze it as part of our homework. Never in my dream to have my own match recorded. It looks like a star isn't it ? :p It is so funny to look at my own game. I still remembered last time when i do watch a badminton match on TV,i will always criticise the player as you should move faster, hit harder..blablabla...!! Looking at my own game, i can tell the play looks so stupid in the movie. When i'm playing myself, i didn't realize anything and keep thinking i had a good game..hehe
Looking at my own game really is an eye-opener to me.

I have to praise my Uni system to prepare such a video to me. But I still miss malaysia's style of sports class where the teacher will throw a ball at u and we basically can do anything with it..hahaha!!

看了我上这的blog的兄弟姐弟们,谢谢你们!!我会加油。。如果有油的话啦:p 最近的油很贵很难加啊。。


Anonymous said...

which 1 is u? red shirt or black shirt?

stevelee67 said...

who are you ?

anyway im the winner

Anonymous said...

u got lots of secret admirer ~~~

Anonymous said...

haha..funny..but pretty true that there's diff between player & audience,gambate!(^V^)