Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Lately , I have been seriously lack of exercises unless typing is considered as an exercise. Usual weekly futsal games had been cancelled again and again as we can't gather enough numbers. The same for badminton outing as everybody is mysteriously busy these days. Am I the only one who is free for the time being? Come-on it is spring holiday...

leaving with no choices..i fill my days with parties ( or nomikai ) in my house or outside.

Without good sleep almost everyday and lacking healthy exercises, I feel like my body is weakening. So I decided to do some exercises one night.

Not that it is some kind of exercises which can only be done at night. Just happen that Im free at night :p

I decided to walk home from somewhere far.

Arm with only a few photos I took from a map book.
Totalling 4 pages distance, I thought it was easy-chop.

But I was wrong, it is now winter which is certainly not the best season for walking.What more during 1 am in the night..haha

My compatriots.

After around half way through, we were simply worn out and wanting rest.

So we had our petrol tank filled here.

We continued our journey, and every time when we thought we are almost there we saw some really huge signboard like huge M which has never been seen around my house. Then we realised that it is still far away and our aim was to walk faster so that those huge signboard will lost in our sight.

Totalling it tooks more than 3 hours to reach home. It was a good exercises.


I wont even think of it if I didnt miss my last train..

Curse the punctual train..isyhhh


Anonymous said...

it's good for u... so that u wont grow too fat...hehe

Anonymous said...

i heard from lai too.u all abnormal:p

Anonymous said...

haha.. what a special exercise at night huh :)

but walking 3 hours @ night during winter time seems bit too much. lot energy been use.. that night u must in good sleep.

no matter what.. u had go through it.

good experience hah :P

should u thanks to the puctual train for this or not huh??


Anonymous said...

otsukare and welcome home !

Crabbed!! said...


Another night adventure??

Rithy said...

how have u been? how is ur girlfriend?

Anonymous said...

hey guy..finally i dropped u a msg here hope is not late..

no matter what this exercise is a lot..pai seh to 3 of u.... pls forgive

p: who said 5 min can reach the time be alert lo.
